Assalamualaikum,wr,wb.... Hello guys!!!! now I will tell you about the typical food of Batak, North Sumatra that is Nani arsik or often called arsik fish. Naniarsik comes from the northern tapanuli and samosir islands. In my area precisely in tarutung sub-district, north tapanuli district, naniarsik is often made for various traditional ceremonies, but I also often cook it at home because of its very distinctive taste and delicious. Na niarsik made from basic ingredients carp cooked with special spices to produce a distinctive taste and different from other fish-made dishes.

Batak food naming is largely based on the cooking process. Nani arsik means dimarsikkan or dried. In other words, dekke nani arsik, fish cooked constantly until the broth is dry, the marinade absorbs into the goldfish. If the cooking process is correct, nani arsik can survive 2 days without stale guyss. The artificial fish has been around for a long time. The recipe is inherited from ancestors from generation to generation. In customary presentation, there are special procedures that must be done so as not to eliminate the meaning. The artificial fish presented at the ceremony must be an odd number, one, three, five, seven. This number has its own meaning in accordance with the Batak custom.

It is said that in giving nani arsik, there are rules that need to be obeyed. Not just anyone can give nani arsik. Only hula-hula or relatives of the wife who can give either the biological parents, brothers wife, or wife's clan community.

I think one of the uniqueness of the cuisine of Arsik Fish is from the basic ingredients that are used ie goldfish. Used goldfish, usually without the scales removed, but only cleaned the stomach only. In addition, in cooking Arsik fish usually also there are some spices that are only found in the area of ​​North Sumatra alone, namely Andaliman, Asam Cikala, Flower kecombrang (Rias Flower ) and batak onion. Nahh this is what makes the taste of Fish Arsik increasingly feel special and special.

The basic ingredients used in cooking Arsik Fish in general are goldfish. But in my area there are also many people who cook arsik fish using other fish, like tuna fish, mackerel, snapper and anchovy. Usually I can find the anchovy of anchovies at the wedding. To cook it, the fish is cleaned before cooking. How to clean it was quite unique, unlike other fish dishes. If we usually buy fish we must throw away the dirt and scales, but Fish Arsik just cleared and cleaned the stomach only, whereas on the scales do not need to be thrown away. Very unique is not it?

Ohh yes ,, To eliminate fishy odor in fish, usually using lime and sour cikala. Use this cikala acid to eliminate the fishy smell and provide a delicious scent on the fish so as to add taste from the cuisine of Arsik Fish.

As for the spices used for cooking are chili, onion, garlic, kecombrang flowers, and various spices such as pecan, galangal, turmeric and others. Do not forget to also use andaliman, which is a kind of spice like pepper which is widely found in some areas in North Sumatra. I think this andaliman can make the tongue feel spicy and vibrating. In sumut also andaliman used for sambal and some even process it to be a topping pizza that is sold in the area of ​​Lake Toba. How guys ?? still not want to try the food from andaliman ??

After the fish has been cleaned then the fish is smeared with spices that have been smoothed to flatten. Then cooked with given water and a few seasonings to taste. In addition, usually also added some complementary ingredients such as cassava leaves, long beans and others. Arsik fish is usually cooked with medium heat so that the seasoning can sink in, then wait until the water runs out. After the water runs out then the fish dishes Arsik ready to serve.

If you are visiting the northern Tapanuli area or Lake Toba, you can enjoy na niarsik at the food stalls or restaurants around the lake while enjoying the beauty of Lake Toba. Feel the sensation of his andaliman that makes you addicted when you eat it. Reportedly naarsik or arsik fish already ever reached to Cairo, egypt lhooo guysss in World Cooking Festival 2014. You can see it from the articles I read through this link :

Okay friends up here first discuss the arsik fish from my area, the cuisine that I think is very unique and the most I miss when I'm outside Sumatra. assalamualaikum,wr,wb.. Daaaahhh see youuu guyss 🙂🙂
